Moment 2 – Can of Gold Paint

In 1972, I accepted a position at Southern Illinois University as the Director of Dance. I moved from New York City and lived on a 250-acre farm outside of Murphysboro, Illinois in an old Victorian Prairie Farm House. Fields surrounded the house and there was a very long gravel drive that meandered for about a quarter mile to arrive at the house on a small hill. I had made many improvements to this house … painted walls and redone floors. In the summer of 1974, – the three muses, Ruth – Rea – Mimi all came at the same time to visit and to check on my life.
One day they made a shopping list for groceries and the hardware store. At the kitchen table I heard Mimi say add a can of gold paint to the shopping list. We got organized to drive into town (a seven mile excursion) and off we went. I was driving the three muses all dressed in variations of summer white in my one-year-old green Mercedes Sedan.
Enroute to town
Ruth asked, “ Mimi, why do you need a can of gold paint? ”
Mimi replied, “ Why? Well Ruth, (a long pause ensued) we need to touch up your Halo. ”
Rea took a breath and very slowly said, “ I will need a new brush with pig bristles.”
The remainder of the ride all was silent in the car.
That next Christmas,
Ruth wrapped a can of Gold paint and placed it under the tree for Mimi,
and Mimi gave a pig bristle brush to Rea.
But best of all was when Ruth opened her present from Rea
wrapped in an old hat box and it was a hand made gold foil
angel’s halo.
Peace was made by the muses at Christmas in their ironic gifts which none had discussed with the others.
Entry – July 27, 2007